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San Bernardino High School celebrated its 125th anniversary with a wonderful event, our Mega Reunion.

Our event was dedicated to the many generations of Cardinal City citizens and the community that supported them. We wanted to recognize the Cardinal Legacy of Excellence and to celebrate our school’s rich history. Our alumni inspire us to achieve greatness in our lives and to face our challenges with passion, hard work and determination. We wanted to bridge the past with the future of our school and our city.

We should like to thank our generous sponsors: Mayor Patrick Morris, Stater Bros. CEO Jack Brown, San Bernardino Police Department, E Street Cruisers, San Bernardino School Employees Federal Credit Union, Fiesta Village, Feldheym Library, San Bernardino County Museum, Thompson Engineering, Schools First Credit Union, the Redlands Fourth of July Band, City of San Bernardino Historical and Pioneer Society, the California Welcome Center of San Bernardino, Paco Tacos and D’Arca Formal Wear. Their support was crucial for the success of this historical event.

Thank you to all who attend our Mega Reunion.

San Bernardino High School has been a cornerstone on our community. The determination of a true Cardinal should never be underestimated. Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal.

Thanks again to everyone who helped to make the event a success.

Principal, San Bernardino High School

The letter is also signed by Michelle Rogers, community liaison; Jan Rodriguez, alumni coordinator; and Shannon Beaumon, teacher.

Leave with dignity

Former Grand Terrace city manager Tom Schwab says he quashed an investigation of acting city manager Steve Berry because, “We have never had even one hint of scandal in our city’s history, and to have our assistant city manager charged with embezzlement .” This brings into question Mr. Schwab’s integrity, decision-making abilities and the timing of bringing it to light now.

The matter was “cleared” by exceptional means and the City Council was not advised. Mr. Schwab’s justification that “I would imagine the City Council may have insisted that I fire (Berry) if the thing came to light, and I didn’t want that to happen,” is an exculpatory justification for his bone-headed decision.

Mr. Schwab exacerbates the matter by stating “I found that Steve severely lacks a sense of ethics and integrity.” Mr. Schwab is calling this kettle black.

Mr. Schwab’s decision to quash the investigation and bring it to light now demonstrates that he didn’t learn all he needed to learn the past 20 years.

His judgment was blurred then and continues now as he attempts his character assassination of Mr. Berry.

Mr. Schwab, take the $177,000 payment and leave with some dignity.


Real reform needed

I just heard on “Democracy Now” that Obama stated that he would drop the public option of his health care bill if he did not get sufficient bipartisan support.

I guess he has forgotten that the people who voted for him were in the majority – Democrats, progressives, and independents – not Republicans. I do not feel that it is fair that we are now supposed to suffer because of the misguided and ethically challenged Republicans in Congress.

In fact, if Obama continues to allow this minority to influence his policies for our nation, he should just kiss his presidency and legacy goodbye.

However, I have another thought – is Obama just preparing the ground to blame Republicans when the public option is defeated? Is he just protecting the Blue Dog Democrats, awash in millions from the insurance and medical industrial complex lobbies, and his own poor leadership, from being blamed for the defeat?

Unfortunately for Americans, it is the Democratic Party, that we elected with such great hope, and its leader Obama, which will be responsible if we do not get real health-care reform but more status quo.

Moreover, we need to let them know that we will hold them accountable – not the Republican Party (we know, and have always known, where it stands; that is why it lost).


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