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President Joe Biden would rather look the other way, or cajole his political opponents, when it comes to inflation. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
President Joe Biden would rather look the other way, or cajole his political opponents, when it comes to inflation. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
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Four years ago, then-candidate Joe Biden vowed he would be the most progressive president in American history. Four years later, with inflation having eroded the value of the American people’s savings and purchasing power, we should have taken Biden’s words as a threat, not a promise.

The fact is that leftists have little to no grasp on basic economics. If they did, they wouldn’t be leftists. Armed with the power of government, leftists like President Biden will spend without limit and regulate to no end.

At a recent hearing of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Sen. Tim Scott, R-South Carolina, took the Biden administration to task for its failed record on the economy, which we will quote at length:

“The bottom line is that President Biden and Bidenomics has devastated our economy and devastated people working paycheck to paycheck. The highest percentage of Americans with the fewest dollars in their savings account for an emergency is now because of President Biden and Democrats’ reckless spending.

“Whether it’s the ‘American Rescue Plan,’ the ‘Bipartisan Infrastructure Act,’ or the worst-named bill perhaps in American history, the ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’

“Anyone who believes that inflation has gone down because of the Inflation Reduction Act — all you have to do is look at the latest information coming out of the Federal Reserve itself. Inflation continues to increase.”

This, of course, is the plain truth. Everyone across the country has seen the cost of everything, and we do mean everything, skyrocket since the Biden administration came into power. And it’s clear  President Joe Biden doesn’t know what to do about it.

It is no wonder that President Biden is among the least popular presidents in contemporary history. As ɫ̳week recently reported, citing data from FiveThirtyEight, “his approval is lower than any former president going back about 75 years.”

President Biden has failed on virtually every policy front he has chosen to engage on, but most especially the American economy.

Biden thought the American people would be fooled with his misleading “Inflation Reduction Act.” He thought going putting a thumb on the scale in favor of organized labor would endear him to working people. He thought if only he indebted future generations of Americans more that he could turn things around.

He obviously still thinks he can buy votes with his perpetual efforts to “forgive” student loans and make empty promises of even more magical giveaways. And sure, maybe he will get away with it.

But there’s a reason why, despite the incalculable flaws of former President Donald Trump, that Trump of all people continues to lead in the polls. And that’s because Biden’s presidency has been a failed experiment in leftism. Bad ideas lead to bad outcomes. It’s really that simple.

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